We do not own this but we are maintaining and cleaning the older headstones.

Established – Opened June 1, 1846
Twinsburg’s first official burial ground. Many of our early citizens are buried in this cemetery. The Wilcox twins, Ethan Alling, Rev. Samuel Bissell to name a few. Many of the early graves are in the two upper sections of the cemetery.
The first burial at Locust Grove Cemetery took place on July 5, 1846 when 83 year old James Henri was laid to rest. He was the oldest man in town at the time of his death.
Having outgrown the first public burying ground and wanting to keep a memorial ground more substantial than home farms, Ethan Alling purchased the land, graded it, added fencing, and planted locust trees. In 1860, a stone fence was constructed to replace the original fence. The roadway leading to the cemetery was deeded in 1870 by Lewis Alling. The stone vault was constructed around 1872, used for storing bodies throughout the colder months until they could be properly buried once the ground was no longer frozen.
For more information on the cemetery, a book is available:
Locust Grove Cemetery by Luman Lane and Ethan Alling.

Complete List of all burials compiled by Members: (date of this list is unknown)