Robert Culhan Scholarship
Application Deadline is: 4/15/2025
Eligibility Criteria:
Student must be a current graduating senior and resident of Twinsburg City, Twinsburg Township or Reminderville.
Student must exhibit an involvement in local history which might include:
A. Attendance at programs.
B. Involvement on projects such as “Tale of Locust Grove”, “Olde Thyme Fayre” or other activities that support local history.
C. Applicant may supplement their application with documentation of participation in activities related to local history.
Application Process:
1. Applicant should submit two (2) recommendations. One of which should be a current teacher, counselor, extracurricular coach or advisor. The other should be a personal reference who is not a relative.
2a. If filling out the paper application (4 pages) you can send it to the scholarship committee at the address below:
Scholarship form in PDF format if you choose to mail it in to the scholarship committee.
Twinsburg Historical Society
Attn: Scholarship Committee
8996 Darrow Rd.
Twinsburg, OH 44087
2b. You can scan in all the pages and email them by clicking this link: EMAIL
2c. You can fill out the online form and attach your recommendation forms and submit it electronically. See this form below.
Online Scholarship Application
Must download the recommendation forms. Have them filled out. Scan them in and attach them to your online application for your application to be considered.
Download Recommendation Forms Here
or Scan the QR Code Below:

Online Application
Application Deadline is: 4/15/2025